College Intramural Tournaments
Intramural tournaments are the principal means by which quiz bowl is played as a campus activity. Such a tournament would allow teams from dorm floors, Greek houses, student clubs, honor societies, or classes to compete against each other for the championship. Intramural questions are written to deliver a fun, fast-paced, knowledge-based competition for students from all walks of campus life.
Many quiz bowl teams find that sponsoring an intramural tournament is an effective way to discover and recruit new members, while also providing an entertaining event for their student bodies. Such an event can serve as justification for the club’s funding by the student government to attend invitational tournaments at other schools later in the year.
These tournaments vary widely in their scope and execution; some schools elect to run them on a single day, while others will spread the games over several evenings (or even several weeks). The structure depends on the number of interested teams and the school’s access to multiple buzzer systems, rooms, and moderators.
We are always willing to help schools run their intramural events; among other things, we can provide…
- Appropriate questions for the event
- Step-by-step advice for a campus coordinator on the process of organizing and publicizing an event
- Suggested tournament formats that are fair and efficient
- A list of local people with quiz bowl experience who might be willing to help run matches
- Advice on the purchase of buzzer systems (or clocks) for running the tournament
- A list of nearby schools that might be willing to lend their systems for a tournament
- Sample posters and campus newspaper ads that coordinators can use to advertise their event
- Ready-to-print scoresheets, rules, and other documents necessary to run the tournament
NAQT’s intramural set costs $85 for a set of twelve packets (each with 24 tossups and 24 bonuses). This is the only money that must be paid to NAQT to host the tournament.
Intramural questions are drawn from NAQT’s Introductory Invitational Series questions from the same year.
New programs may also be interested in our heavily discounted New College Package, which includes practice packets and study guides.