DePaul Prep Grade School Academic Bowl

Round 3

Date: Wednesday, October 18, 2023
Host: DePaul College Prep (Chicago, IL)
Scoring Rules: Straight Tossup/Bonus
Questions: MS-47 (packets 6–10)
Winner ScoreLoser ScoreTUH
St. Viator330St. Benedict B7015
St. Benedict A290St. Celestine6015
St. Josaphat250St. Robert Bellarmine A6019
Immaculate Conception St. Joseph B210Our Lady of Mount Carmel4015
Northside Catholic B230Saint Andrew B8020
St. Mary of the Woods230St. Giles B8014
St. Giles A220Saint Andrew A10020
Frances Xavier Warde220St. Monica10017
Northside Catholic A180St. Elizabeth B9016
Immaculate Conception St. Joseph A210St. Paul of the Cross15018
St. Elizabeth A140St. Robert Bellarmine B12017

Explanation of Statistics

Confused about all these statistics? We’ve prepared an overview.
