Eleventh Annual Season Ender Tournament

Round 2

Date: Saturday, April 27, 2019
Host: Paul M. Dorman High School (Roebuck, SC)
Scoring Rules: NAQT with Bouncebacks

High School Varsity Division

There are no games in this round.

High School Junior Varsity Division

Winner ScoreLoser ScoreTUH
East Mecklenburg D210Fairfield Central B5520
Eastside C265Wade Hampton B17520
Roberson240Christ Church Episcopal16520
East Mecklenburg B185Wade Hampton A17520
Southside E220East Mecklenburg C21520
Conway CForfeit Providence BForfeit -

Middle School Division

Winner ScoreLoser ScoreTUH
Cave Spring Middle295Jonesville Middle A8016
GREEN Charter Greensville A280East Rutherford Middle B8016
Landrum Middle270Jonesville Middle B12016
GREEN Charter Greensville B230East Rutherford Middle A17516

Explanation of Statistics

Confused about all these statistics? We’ve prepared an overview.
