Portland Turkey Tourney

Round 3

Date: Saturday, November 17, 2018
Host: Portland High School (Portland, TN)
Scoring Rules: NAQT w/ Bouncebacks, w/o Interrupts
Questions: IS-179
Winner ScoreLoser ScoreTUH
Cookeville A450Edmonson County8020
Merrol Hyde A420Gallatin B7020
University School of Nashville A355Gallatin C6520
Ezell-Harding315Gallatin D9020
Gallatin A250Hume-Fogg B6020
Merrol Hyde B310Hume-Fogg A22520
Columbia Central A150Currey Ingram A9020
Currey Ingram B160University School of Nashville B12020
Columbia Central B120Cookeville B9020
Battle Ground275Adair County25020

Explanation of Statistics

Confused about all these statistics? We’ve prepared an overview.
