Season 5 Popular Culture Week 6

Results By Question

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# AnswerCategoryTUH # Correct % Correct Average
Std. Dev
1 The ChainsmokersMusic15 13 86.7% .133 .132 11.38
2 Norman (Kingsley) MailerOther PC14 2 14.3% .351 .337 14.00
3 The Jungle BookFilm15 12 80.0% .306 .214 13.50
4 WhitesnakeMusic15 2 13.3% .080 .041 10.50
5 13 Reasons WhyTV15 10 66.7% .209 .179 12.20
6 PsychonautsVideo Games15 2 13.3% .000 .184 10.00
7 Doctor StrangeComics15 13 86.7% .224 .221 12.62
8 Dave BautistaFilm15 7 46.7% .124 .122 11.29
9 Sports IllustratedOther PC15 9 60.0% .020 .024 10.11
10 Mare SheehanTV15 1 6.7% .198 .060 12.00
11 Rosa ParksMusic15 8 53.3% .025 .052 10.25
12 DarkseidComics15 2 13.3% .191 .104 12.00
13 Aaron BurrMusicals14 11 78.6% .403 .295 14.91
14 Jay LenoTV14 3 21.4% .021 .013 10.00
15 No More HeroesVideo Games14 3 21.4% .097 .088 11.00
16 ChuckyFilm14 10 71.4% .072 .245 10.80
17 LeVar BurtonTV14 4 28.6% .056 .062 10.50
18 Patsy ClineMusic14 5 35.7% .165 .191 11.80
19 New ZealandFilm14 4 28.6% .069 .075 10.75
20 WayneComics14 11 78.6% .154 .202 11.55
21 AustraliaTV14 11 78.6% .034 .080 10.18
22 Mo BambaMusic13 4 30.8% .052 .072 10.50
23 dragonsFilm13 11 84.6% .388 .185 14.55
24 Drew (Allison) CareyTV13 7 53.8% .091 .112 11.00
25 AnnetteFilm13 1 7.7% .128 .048 11.00
26 Brandon SandersonOther PC13 3 23.1% .073 .069 10.67
27 greenMusic13 12 92.3% .042 .245 10.42
28 Nick FuryFilm13 10 76.9% .162 .140 11.70
29 ItalyOther PC13 9 69.2% .000 .000 10.00
30 Dave ChappelleTV13 6 46.2% .065 .079 10.50
31 GoldfingerFilm13 4 30.8% .160 .112 11.50
32 HappyMusic13 13 100.0% .375 .301 14.54
33 platinumVideo Games13 4 30.8% .232 .212 12.50
34 This American LifeOther PC13 2 15.4% .103 .069 11.00
35 Elvis (Aaron) PresleyFilm13 9 69.2% .063 .223 10.44
36 Don KnottsTV13 4 30.8% .027 .211 10.25
37 Guys and DollsMusicals13 3 23.1% .263 .130 13.00
38 Richard SimmonsOther PC13 2 15.4% .110 .070 11.00
39 Universal Pictures CorporationFilm13 12 92.3% .004 .193 10.00
40 RihannaMusic13 5 38.5% .047 .075 10.60
41 Michael (Francis) MooreFilm13 3 23.1% .143 .152 11.67
42 snowboardingVideo Games13 4 30.8% .004 .215 10.00
43 Anne RiceOther PC13 2 15.4% .049 .037 10.50
44 16th centuryTV13 5 38.5% .047 .070 10.60
45 Certified Lover BoyMusic13 3 23.1% .318 .233 13.67
46 BobOther PC13 4 30.8% .120 .152 11.50
47 2001Film13 11 84.6% .031 .082 10.27
48 HearthstoneVideo Games13 5 38.5% .012 .011 10.00
49 FBITV13 1 7.7% .000 .064 10.00
50 Against Me!Music13 0 0.0% -1.000 .197 NaN

Celerity is the fraction of the question that had not been read at the time of a buzz (for which a correct answer was provided). 1.000 is an immediate buzz, .500 is an answer given halfway through the question in terms of time on the sound recording, and .000 is an answer given at the very end.

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